Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Another Night.

Once I hung up the phone
I fell to my knees
making a plea
not to be alone
but holmes
it's been 3 years

suppressing these tears
I miss the neighborhood
your family
i wish they're good
a tragedy
nobody is ready for
the fact he'll never open the door
with a smile on his face
and taste a home cooked meal
on the real
I resorted to alcohol
thought it would solve it all
outcome looking bleak
said my magic 8 ball
bothered me for weeks
made me weak
to think I almost committed suicide
but who am I to take my life
if you were alive

you'd sock me in the gut
tell me to think twice
and keep my head up
I still go by your grave
even though that's where you lay
it's not where you rest
it's deep within our chest
deep in our hearts
if you read this
believe this
the hardest part about writing you
is you never responding

wanting to reach you with my words

so I spill emotions on the page

to open the flood gates

your memories are preserved

till I finish this human race.

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