Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Wails and screams
feelin unclean,
the unwanting retention,
being held down with a weapon,
clothes stripped, exposed and pistol whipped,
pressing the forearms down,
expressing he'll do harm if she speaks,
touching her physique, weak shrieks not forming a sound,
earrings ripped from the lobes,
blood explodes,
fearing her demise,
he spreads her inner thighs,
letting out a cynical snicker,
drunk off of hard liquor,
her body flowing with his sweat,
staring at the ceiling fixture, the lights flicker,
knowing her attacker,
she wont forget,
regrets she ever met him,
her so called ex-boyfriend,
sexually abused,
body left bruised,
crying, trying to scrub off his grime,
battered face,
a crime of rape took place,
contusion around the orbital cavity,
in a state of confusion,
the emotions of pain and agony is happening to consume her,
him and friends humor each other,
spreading rumors,
until the truth was finally uncovered.

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