Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The bullshit compliments that doesn't make sense, to the trends that descends among men to blend in, ends when, the paper route dries out, friends flock to the south like birds, it's absurd, that you need words to make you happy, ill gladly knock you back down to earth, the truth hurts, from complete strangers, the dangers of inert behaviors, but you trapped me, with the devilish ways, portayed a helpless individual, habitual liar, saying you desired my company, keep bumping me in a general direction, something you want from me, a vibe that i can't describe, sensing of obsession, licking your lips, moving your hips, using your body as a weapon, you only wanted to hear phrases of praises, let's try trading places, so you can understand the many faces you're revealing, sealing your fate, not willing to wait, i had to walk out, cuz im about to regret the things I only dreamed of doing, viewing your true intentions, i've seen the real person, it worsens each second, so comprehend, we're not friends, dont beckon me over, to write love letters to make you feel better, id rather ignore you and forget you ever existed, sick and twisted like assisted suicides, but who am I to judge, to pull the plug and say fuck you, i had enough.

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