Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sleepless Fridays

Stressed, obsessed with perfection, the tension, got me wielding this pen as a weapon, my words are the supply crates, there's no flyweights in my division, split decisions, mind imprisoned, envisioned the world as an upperclassmen, with the detailed italian fashion, but the dreams started crashing and crumbling down, profound how i start mumbling nouns with verbs to form sentences, i tried to make sense of this, but it was more complex than photosynthesis, one hit of this rhyme saying got your mind flaying, subject to verbal beatings, defeating the neglect brought on by bad parents, incoherent due to alcohol addiction, homies who i used to high five, got wives and offsprings, friction from past lives got me thinking without stopping, friends dropping from a stray shot, caught in between the right and the wrong, but just travel on the path leading to the light, it just might take you where you wanted all along.

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