Wednesday, November 11, 2009

White Squall

It started with a couple of text messages
confessing this
"Never come to an agreement
you're head's thicker than cement
another reason I'm leaving
believing your lies
that comprised 10 years of my life."
"Think about your wife and kid
God forbid on walking out
that's what I'm talking about
we got to end this relationship
because what we're facing with
is much more extreme
than things we see on the surface
this is making me nervous."
should I return this
perplexed by these texts
it doesn't take Walter Cronkite
to know she got the wrong guy
she must be the blonde type
to extort money from a guy
who drives a Hyundai
Does she know it was a wrong number
I wonder
a simple blunder can turn to disaster
faster than fire spreading in dry grass
perhaps it's best to call
to explain it all
but it led to naught
the number was out of service
I thought I received this 10 minutes ago
but it was at the pinnacle of the week
when my battery died
checking voice mails
questioning myself
"My mom isn't mad at me, right?"
first message
"what the fuck Anthony!?"
next message
"pick up your fucking phone."
message erased
next message
"Julio, I'm all alone
I wished you can come home
and hold me
is what the old me would say."
"I'm hoping today we can part our ways.
cuz it's hard to stay
to know i'm only the 2nd choice."
end of voice message.

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