Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dark Night.

Driving up 80,
through the hazy weather,
this crazy lady driving reckless in her new mercedes,
cigerette burns on the leather,
fingers sticking together on the steering wheel,
fearing she'll jump the lane without looking,
booking it,
mentally deranged after finding her husband with another woman,
touching, locking lips,
stockings ripped,
clutching his neck,
wrecked, heart broken,
started smoking when she suspect this scandalous situation, confronted him,
demanded an explaination,
slight hesitation,
then he came out with the truth,
it's been two months,
he's been sneaking behind her back,
he was pressured and stacked at work,
he admits he's a jerk for what he has done,
but he doesn't know the outcome of what he begun,
his wife an emotional mess,
betrayed by her husband,
yet oblivious to their marriage of distress,
expressed her mood swings and the foreign object in her utereus,
she found it ludicrous that he cheated on her,
she guessed it was the best way to breakaway from the verbal beatings on her,
he dishonored their vows,
wiping the sweat of her brow,
she slaps him in the face and runs out the house,
tears on her blouse,
head in hands,
she doesn't know what to do,
she turns the ignition and starts driving without a plan.

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