Wednesday, November 11, 2009


A wall of clouds surrounds us all, susceptible to the deceptions and lies, no exceptions to Americans, a variant on the rise, that tries to be wise, but through the third eye we can see the makeshift prize, paper mache, the way it was made, fade to black, attack Iraq and win an award, ignored, sword through the heart, the only reward from the suits, to show they're not apart of this, the debacle, the card that was dealt, to topple an evil regime, the media felt it was hard to miss something this intriguing, in being at the focale point of the situation, twist on reality, a prevarication, marketing the casualities, finding a way in to weigh in on other countries' starscreams, teenagers with hand cannons, politicans clapping and grandstanding, on a war that should have never happened, but the few and the proud has to do whatever comes out of the horse's mouth, the leaders of our country, where everybody in suits are too blood money hungry.

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