Wednesday, November 11, 2009


28 days down the road, boarded up humble abode, blocking the doorway with the commode, am I going insane, virus outbreaks, bodily change, I'm not a younger stud, they got a hunger for blood, unable to run from these foreign beings, outside of the zone that was quarantined, struggling to survive, but I gotta stay alive before the dawn of the dead, hoping for some reinforcements to arrive, but I chide at that thought, cuz all efforts could lead to naught, brought forth by incompetence, gotta stay dominant, clearing my mind of any negativity, from zombies to the government trying to get rid of me, thinking I'm part of the infected, but I protected this country from enemies, foreign and domestic, people who used to be friends with me, things are just getting too hectic, the sun is about to set, shotgun aimed at the potential threat, strapped with a couple full metal jackets, and a lucky bullet if i can't hack it.

Can't let this get the best of me, rest in peace or rest in pieces, increases the adrenaline dosage, blood pumping, loud thumping, groans in the distance, they can smell the living's existence, but im showing resistance, never to give in, driven cynically crazy, this isn't a scorsese flick, im not going to be part of the departed, cease and desist, gotta figure out ways to make my escape, a slight mistake can end in my death, took a deep breath and started pondering, wandering moans, circling for the kill, banging on the window sills, still clutching the deadly weapon, prepping to spill their brain matter, glass shatters, pumped the shotgun, fired, screaming out I got one, excited, grabbing my undivided attention, more rushing the front door, moved a drawer and table to secure my asylum, bodies piling, one after another, smiling while i see them drop dead, but i got ahead of myself, im gotta stay alert, flirting with disaster, heart rate jumping up faster when they come, i have to make my exit, that's the best situation.

Running up the stairs, shotgun strapped to my back, shells across the chest, sanctuary is 10 miles to the southwest, across the railroad tracks, do I dare venture forth, set course to a new beginning, supplies thinning low, never forgetting the fact, that, if I leave this place, Ill get attacked, maybe meet my utter demise, gotta face this harsh world, hurled myself out of the window, it wasn't simple, 2 stories high through busted glass, the smell of sulfuric gas slows my actions, eyes watered, my aroma got their attraction, many innocent lives slaughtered, cannon fodder, using that as my distraction, making way through the warzone, penatrating through the defenses, over barbed wire fences, hormones going haywire, reminiscent on battles through the trenches, unaffected from the virus, this pure evil, that turns outstanding citizens to things that eat people, causing this upheavel, I ran towards this safe haven, but everything started to cave in, they were all behind me, hands grimy, stymied my advancement, they closed in, i chanced it, impending doom, holding my last bullet, placed it in the chamber, pulled it back, gasping for air, waking up in a pool of sweat.

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